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Subject and (post)truth: psychoanalysis and philosophy

UID: eaynwow2yl37arwphhmphqgbhls
Revision: vaynwow23x2gqrpjghnq2wdtpfy

Gošća emisije: Alenka Zupančič
Voditelj emisije: Andrea Perunović

*razgovor je na engleskom jeziku.

Rezime: Šta je subjekat? Kako ga afirmiše psihoanaliza, a kako filozofija? Kako subjektivnost danas vidi Alenka Zupančič? U drugoj epizodi Zvuka misli razgovarali smo o transformacijama subjektivnosti koje sa sobom nosi savremeno doba i tzv. era “post-istine”, u kojoj se kategorije kao što su laž i istina, poverenje i nepoverenje, sigurnost i kriza, prepliću o nekoj vrsti hegelovske loše beskonačnosti.

Summary: What is a subject? How it is being affirmed by psychoanalysis and how by philosophy? How Alenka Zupančič sees the contemporary forms of subjectivity? In the second episode of Sound of Thoughts we were speaking about the transformations that our contemporary historical moment, the so called “era of post-truth” in which lie and truth, trust and mistrust, security and crises seem to be intertwined in a kind of hegelian bad infinity, has brought us.

Muzika: Ice cream man - "No one around" (On the shoot, 2018)

1audio/mpegSubject and (post)truth: psychoanalysis and philosophy