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Right-wing populism, gender, affects; guest: Birgit Sauer

UID: eaynwow2yllwarzwk6c3ybkteh6
Revision: vaynwow22llvqrgnoirgfhqhrcq

Guest: Birgit Sauer 

Host: Andrea Perunović  

U ovoj epizodi razgovarali smo sa Birgit Sauer (Univerzitet u Beču), o afektivnim strategijama vladavine tipičnim za desni populizam, kao i o njegovom maskulinističkom projektu koji počiva na antirodnoj ideologiji. Takođe smo preispitivali i druge oblike odbacivanja i isključivanja koja desni populisti teže da uspostave, posebno kada je reč o migrantima.

In this episode, we spoke with Birgit Sauer (University of Vienna), about the affective strategies of rule typical of right-wing populism, as well as about its masculinist project based on anti-gender ideology. We also examined other forms of rejection and exclusion that right-wing populists seek to establish, especially when it comes to migrants.

1audio/mpegRight-wing populism, gender, affects; guest: Birgit Sauer