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People Need Opportunities For flourishing, not Opportunities to Compete in a Race

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Guest: Professor Jonathan Wolff Host: Filip Balunovic The guest in the 27th episode of "Zvuk misli" is Professor Jonathan Wolff, a political philosopher from Oxford University. We hosted him as one of the three keynote speakers at the "Change" conference. In our conversation, we focused on the topics that preoccupy him the most, such as issues of equality and justice. We discussed the difference between redistributive and social inequality, with Professor Wolff explaining his focus on the latter. The discussion then moved towards problematizing one of the most well-known, if not the most well-known, theories of justice, that of John Rawls. How should we understand the "veil of ignorance"? Is it fair to have as much inequality as guarantees benefits to the least advantaged? And why might this "wonderful argument" be applicable or not to reality? We also talked about the concept of "meritocracy", how the concept of "equality of opportunity" functions or does not function in today's context, and whether self-realization and life satisfaction are possible without competition and "winning". We questioned whether a classless society is the only possible framework for self-realization without competition, or if this can be achieved within a class society. Finally, we touched upon Wolff's latest co-authored book, "City of Equals", which explores a set of values that would make a city a city of equals. These are just some of the questions we addressed in this incredibly interesting conversation. Production of this episode is supported in part by a grant from the Open Society Foundations. Gost: Profesor Džonatan Volf Autor i voditelj: Filip Balunovic Gost u 27. epizodi "Zvuka misli" je profesor Džonatan Volf, politički filozof sa Oksford Univerziteta. Ugostili smo ga kao jednog od tri glavna govornika na konferenciji „Change“. U razgovoru smo se bavili temama koje ga najviše preokupiraju, poput pitanja jednakosti i pravde. Govorili smo o razlici između redistributivne i društvene nejednakosti, pri čemu je profesor Volf obrazlagao svoj fokus na potonju. Rasprava je dalje tekla u pravcu problematizacije jedne od najpoznatijih teorija pravde, one Džona Rolsa. Kako treba razumeti „veo neznanja“, da li je pravično imati onoliko nejednakosti koliko garantuje benefit onima koji su najugroženiji, i zašto ovaj „divni argument“ može ili ne može biti primenjiv na stvarnost? Takođe smo diskutovali o konceptu „meritokratije“, kako danas funkcioniše ili ne funkcioniše koncept „jednakosti šansi“, i da li je moguće samoostvarenje i životno zadovoljstvo bez kompeticije i „pobeđivanja“. Pitali smo se da li je besklasno društvo jedini mogući okvir za samoostvarenje bez takmičenja ili to možemo postići i u klasnom društvu. Na kraju, dotakli smo se Volfove poslednje koautorske knjige „City of Equals“, u kojoj se razmatra set vrednosti koje bi jedan grad činile gradom jednakih. Ovo su samo neka od pitanja koja smo adresirali u ovom izuzetno zanimljivom razgovoru. Produkcija ove epizode ​​je delom podržana grantom Fondacije za otvoreno društvo.

1audio/mpegPeople Need Opportunities For flourishing, not Opportunities to Compete in a Race