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The Poor Cannot Afford to be Individualists

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Guest: Stavros Stavrides Host: Filip Balunovic The guest in the new, 28th episode of "Sound of Thought " is Stavros Stavrides. He is an architect, activist, and professor at the National Technical University of Athens. As a guest and one of the plenary speakers at the "Change" conference, Professor Stavrides discussed numerous topics within his research interests in our podcast. What is solidarity, is it merely an "added value" or a way of life? What role do common spaces or "spaces of solidarity" play in fostering solidarity, from Syntagma Square in Athens to Gezi Park in Istanbul? What is the epistemic role of social movements as laboratories and producers of knowledge? What is the role of intellectuals, who, according to Stavrides, must learn, not only teach? How does self-management manifest in numerous case studies, such as the Zapatistas in the Mexican state of Chiapas? What are "gated communities" and what are the power dynamics between them and those on the margins of society? What are the so-called "non-places" and how do they fit into the dominant ideology? These are just some of the questions discussed in this episode. Production of this episode is supported in part by a grant from the Open Society Foundations. Gost: Stavros Stavrides Autor i voditelj: Filip Balunović Gost u novoj, 28. epizodi “Zvuka misli” je Stavros Stavrides. Arhitekta, aktivista i profesor na Tehničkom Univerzitetu u Atini. Kao gost i jedan od plenarnih govornika na konferenciji „Change“, profesor Stavrides u našem potkastu govorio je o brojim temama iz domena njegovog istraživačkog interesovanja. Šta je to solidarnost, da li samo „dodatna vrednost“ ili način života? Kakvu ulogu u negovanju solidarnosti igraju zajednički prostori ili „prostori solidarnosti“, od trga Sintagma u Atini, do Gezi parka u Istambulu? Kakva je epistemička uloga društvenih pokreta, kao laboratorija i proizvođača znanja? Kakva je uloga intelektualaca, koji po Stavridesu moraju učiti a ne samo podučavati? Kako se samoupravljanje manifestuje u brojim studijama slučaja, poput Zapatista u meksičkoj državi Ćapas? Šta su to „gated communities“, kakvi su odnosi moći između njih i onih na margini društva? Šta su takozvana „nemesta“ i kako se ona uklapaju u dominantnu ideologiju – samo su neka od pitanja o kojima je bilo reči u ovoj epizodi. Produkcija ove epizode ​​je delom podržana grantom Fondacije za otvoreno društvo.

1audio/mpegThe Poor Cannot Afford to be Individualists