Delete TV: DELETE TV - August 2024
UID: eaysvjckkjt7arsagnnn4s4o746
Revision: vaysvjclj4ocareof2gnzty2yfa
Director: Veronica Vossen
Film: Tellus Nullius: Sola. Single channel video
Synopsis: Tellus Nullius: Sola is a single channel video developed from the immersive 3-channel video installation â??Tellus Nullius: Triaâ?? first exhibited in 2023.
The visual narrative represents the 3 spheres of Earthâ??s biospheric habitats comprising the atmosphere, the hydrosphere & the lithosphere -air, water, land- and their ecological interactions and evolutionary timespans. â??Tellusâ?? refers to Earth itself, the encompassing globe. â??Nulliusâ?? is a term relating to the notion of territory unclaimed or unowned, emphasising the significance that we humans are not owners, but merely co-tenants of the planet, with its diverse riches and resources.
Filmed and photographed in Coigach and Assynt, a wild and remote coastal region in the far northwest of Scotland, where these three eco-spheres dramatically interact within an ancient and elemental landscape, where the science of the globeâ??s geological evolution was historically established.
The film provides a sensory experience with hypnotically absorbing visual and ambient audio sensations, aimed at engaging audiences mentally and emotionally to enter a state of reverie and wonder, experiencing both the beauty of our elemental Earth and the fear of extreme loss of habitat and species in an increasingly devastating era of climate disruption and habitat destruction.
Director: Abhishek Udaykumar
Film: Zoraine's Forest
Zoraine's Forest is a silent, experimental film that studies 'plant life' through printlike imagery and painterly textures. The film follows no particular narrative, although its images are sequenced from daylight to nightlight. It was filmed entirely during the day. Its footage was shot in high exposure, i.e, with a high ISO and low aperture in lowlight and vice-versa in brighter periods. This, in addition to shooting in LOG, allowed for greater flexibility in the editing process. It gave me a wide scale within which I could manifest an image to its deepest white, linen grey or a rich black essence.
The idea of studying botany through printlike images emerged after reflecting on my earlier works. I had been influenced by the textures of 16mm and 8mm celluloid and had tried to incorporate them in my films, as is a norm in contemporary film culture. This time, my relentless intention to break the digital form made me use the medium wrongly in order to discover a new language. I thought about how I could isolate a subject in natural light whilst capturing it in a scattered, impressionistic manner. I was especially influenced by film negatives and screen-prints.
Filming in high exposure demanded a greater sensibility towards framing. A high density of elements inside a frame resulted in convoluted abstractions. Each shot aimed at discovering a unique kind of monochrome. The film's soft, grainy texture was used as a means to control its excessive exposure and overwhelming elements. It helped me balance Zoraine's Forest into a world that was realistic and less fantastical. This was enhanced with the use of a simple soundscape. The significant shift in its ambience from the first half to the second half of the film helped create a vivid passage of time.
The film is part of my continued effort towards studying plant and animal life and building the viewers' sensitivity towards nature through provocative imagery. Though Zoraine's Forest was shot in the city, and parts of that is visible in the film, its constructed reality aims at portraying nature as though it belongs to a character's perception. The idea of 'forest' in the film's title doesn't imply a real forest, rather a person's subjective world of flora. It adds to the myriad filmic methods of illustration, besides documentary, fiction and memoirs.
Director: Neil Needleman
Film: Brides and Monsters
Synopsis: For centuries, men have created visions of the ideal woman. And, for reasons that baffle me, many women have accepted that ideal and model themselves after it, making themselves slaves to ridiculous fashions and fads. Isn't it time to put an end to this horror-movie madness?
Director: Atomic Elroy
Film: It Not Art Its Television
Synopsis: TV or Not Tv... ( experimental )
Director: Carl Knickerbocker
Film: Domestic
Synopsis: A couple wakes up, walks to the breakfast table and watches a video.
# | MediaType | Title | FileWidgets |
1 | video/quicktime | Delete TV: DELETE TV - August 2024 |