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Bourgmeisterin Episode #39: Differdange castle, part 2

UID: eayte5j2itkoqrqsnbse4zyjfqe
Revision: vayte5j3bvsyqrqtqexvtrzythy

Be that the Romans or Industrialisation, the leithmotif was the same – iron🗿 Blast furnaces here, blast furnaces there, than boom! ARBED🗿🗿 Then BOOM! Demise of the industry and Arcelor swooping in. But theeen – Miami uni et al. Count John Dolibois in – a prominent Luxembourger turned American turned Luxembourger😁 Amazing place – 100 stories per square meter👌
1audio/mpegBourgmeisterin Episode #39: Differdange castle, part 2