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VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 20 DEC 2024 | Sutra 4.22 | morning pages | renewal

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s the year draws to a close, Rilke’s words remind us that the answers we seek are not always immediate or clear, but they are quietly unfolding within us. The mirror of the mind, when still and quiet, allows us to truly see—not just answers, but the beauty of the questions themselves. It teaches us that presence and patience are the keys to deeper wisdom. … BTW, try to find exactly that wisdom of Rilke in my TEDx Vienna talk from a few years ago, you find the link to it on my website or just ask me for it.
During the holiday season, as the world around us grows both bright with celebration and calm with winter stillness, we are invited to step into this space of inquiry. To sit with ourselves, to reflect on what has been and what is becoming, and to allow the inner light to shine through. The Yoga Sutra 4.22 guides us to this space—a place where the pure awareness of the Seer is revealed, when we cease to oppose the natural flow of our being.
Let’s embrace this moment as a time to honor not only our questions but also the quiet wisdom that emerges when we live them fully.
Ah, not to be cut off, not through the slightest partition
shut out from the law of the stars.
The inner—what is it?
if not intensified sky, hurled through with birds and deep
with the winds of homecoming.“
— Rainer Maria Rilke
And just as Rilke evokes the vastness within us, music becomes a bridge—a vessel carrying us across the currents of thought and experience, and into the depths of pure presence. Awareness dances with sound, just as the sky holds space for stars, birds, and wind.
Today’s carefully curated playlist of world contemporary tunes mirrors this interplay—earthly rhythms entwined with timeless echoes, honoring the journey of reflection and Oneness. Each track whispers an invitation to the soul, asking it to remember its true, luminous nature.
Let these melodies be your guide whenever & wherever.
Let the rhythms, lyrics, and melodies flow through you like the winter winds, carrying you beyond the surface and into the deeper waters of your awareness.
  celebration of journeying together with these guides of inward journeys… 
**“And as always, feel free to visit me at—send me a message, join the TRIBE, share a song, some wisdom, inspiration, or even your favorite book recommendations! You can also connect with VENUSfrequency on Facebook and Instagram.
For those who’ve asked about the music, it’s easy—just follow me on Spotify under ‘annemarie VENUSfrequency’ to explore these carefully curated playlists of world-contemporary tunes, the soundtracks of our shared present moment. These playlists are my small weekly gift to you—our hangouttime together, anytime, anywhere, keeping each other company in true VENUSfrequency fashion. 
Continuing to show up for each other, sharing ourselves through Seva—selfless service—. #raisingvibrations, #healingtogether We are each other’s medicine, timeless and eternal
1audioVENUSfrequency YOGA edition 20 DEC 2024 | Sutra 4.22 | morning pages
2audiocanva sutra 4.22