Vor 50 Jahren, am 20. Juli 1974, begann die türkische Invasion der Republik Zypern, die mit der Besetzung des Nordteils der Insel endete. Bis heute ist Zypern eine durch die „Green Line“ geteilte Insel – auf der die 2021 verstorbene Autorin und Zeitzeugin Elsie Slonim ihr Leben verbrachte. Wir haben aus Archivmaterial den Beitrag „Ein Haus auf Zypern“ gestaltet, der die Stimmung auf Zypern widergibt, sich vor allem aber mit Elsie Slonims Leben auf der geteilten Insel auseinandersetzt.
Der Wal: der Wal
1) Kabarettafestival Haringsee,2) Das graue Rößl aus der Tschauner, 3) Oper aus Kirchstetten,4) Mark Peters vom Kultur Sommer.
Eva Brenner und Walter Baier diskutieren mit der Politikwissenschafterin und Aktivistin in den Bereichen Asyl, Migration und Gefängnis über die neuesten Entwicklungen im Asylwesen der EU und die aktuelle Situation in Österreich. Was hat sich in den letzten Jahren verändert - verschärft oder verbessert? Wie reagiert die Zivilgesellschaft und wie sieht die nahe Zukunft für Asylsuchende in Österreich aus?
Mein Weg: Florian Klenk
Florian Klenk ist bekannt für seine tiefgründige Berichterstattung und seine investigativen Recherchen. Sein Engagement für die Wahrheit und sein Mut, auch unbequeme Themen anzusprechen, machen ihn zu einer der herausragendsten Persönlichkeiten im deutschsprachigen Journalismus. In dieser Ausgabe vom "Mein Weg“ gibt Florian Klenk Einblicke in seinen persönlichen und beruflichen Werdegang. Dabei spricht er nicht nur über die Herausforderungen und Erfolge seiner Karriere, sondern auch über die Werte und Überzeugungen, die ihn auf seinem Weg begleitet haben.
Ausgewählte Klänge aus der Welt des gepflegen Headbangens. Diesmal mit tba.
Mein Weg: Monika Erb
Diesmal hat Christian Monika Erb zu Gast.
Powerfrauen TV: POWER-FLOWER
POWER-FLOWER meldet sich diesmal im Löwen und Sonnenmonat August zu Wort und es ergibt eine bezaubernde Symbiose zwischen der Power von Pflanzen in der Natur mit passenden Musikklängen. Lehnt Euch zurück und genießt
Delete TV: DELETE TV - Juli 2024
Director: Dina Yanni Film: Joyride Synopsis: Vhs to digital. Fast Forward and slowed down. A synthesis of the digital and the analog glitch. Joyride ist part 2 of the ongoing Elvis Video-cycle. Director: Susanne Layla Petersen Film: Echoes Synopsis: Video including traffic, streets, child on swing, woods, landscapes, olive tree, hashtags, sound, light and glass Director: Hong Yane Wang Film: The Wobbly Facade Synopsis: An abandoned flag drifts in water and gets tarnished. People gather at a rundown street sculpture. In the voice over, the artist recalls what happened in her hometown where two Olympics were staged. 'The Wobbly Facade' was filmed between 2009 and 2022 and finished shortly after the Beijing winter Olympics that were shadowed by controversy and Covid fear. It raises questions about the relationship between personal and collective, past and present, the superficial and the substantial. Director: Jeff Zorrilla Film: Lick Fire Synopsis: Through intimate reflections, Lick Fire delves into the ecstasy and turmoil that spring forth from the limitless realm of imagination, while fearlessly contemplating the impending consequences of artificial intelligence in breathing life into these captivating and unreal realms. Director: Adam E. Stone Film: form Synopsis: A poem film about physical and spiritual transmutation, crafted with archival footage, family photos, and found photos. Directed, written, edited, and produced by Adam E. Stone. Director: Adam E. Stone Film: as the night Synopsis: In this silent one-minute poem film about selective mutism, an apparition, regret, and hope, a man imagines living a much different life. Director: Lynn Bianchi Film: Roberto's Dream Synopsis: "Roberto's Dream" is how I see the world - where surreal and imaginary overwhelms the reality, an illusory fairytale. Believing that something strange exists is enough for it to appear in front of our eyes! And that's how magic happens.
Delete TV: DELETE TV - Juni 2024
Director: Alexander Schellow Film: A_biography Synopsis: How can a person suffering from Alzheimer's still tell their own life? In the common room of an Alzheimer's clinic, music from the radio mixes with the low volume clatter of plates, the steps, the door movements or the quiet click of a light switch. The acoustic landscape triggers the dancing of an old lady in a wheelchair. She "remembers". A_biography recollects through drawn animation, point by point, the emergence of a memory exactly where it seems lost - remembering: the possibility of being at a "point of view". This process takes place in a gliding state of constant transformation on the surface of a now closed body of memory. A_biography is not a fictional biography. A_biography realizes a biography as fiction. Director: Brian Alexander Film: Waking Field Synopsis: Waking Field is an optically based experimental film shot in realtime without computer generated effects or post processing. The only physical subject is light and water. I have developed open lens systems which operates in complete darkness in a 20x30 room. The actual lenses have no body and are a combination of glass and melting ice which degrade over time such that no two takes are exactly the same nor are they repeatable. The art of the process has become in creating the conditions which manifest the effect since it is largely uncontrollable, it is a practice of allowing and openness. The audio is created primarily in realtime with as few post tweaks as possible. It is hoped that this sense of the immersive, rooted in physical reality can serve to ground us and help reset media stereotypes. At a conceptual level, â??Waking Fieldâ?? represents an ongoing exploration in observation, meditation, and artistic research. Why do we stare and slowly decompress at the sight of light on water, a distant flock of birds or an empty bag hovering in an alley ? There is an apparent gray area of experience where cadence, familiarity and abstraction are in balance and serve to connect us in an elemental and unified manner. Ive sought to expand on these moments of â??betweennessâ?? and shift them towards the primary. Director: Natasa Prosenc Stearns Film: Misericorde Synopsis: In the Middle Ages a misericorde was a weapon used to put a wounded knight out of his misery. As a theological term, it refers to forgiveness and compassion. In French it has been used as an invocation, notably in Samuel Beckettâ??s Waiting for Godot: "Christ have mercy on us!" That there may be no one listening (or arriving) remains a central anguish, felt in the depression, addiction and other disorders, that are normal responses to increasingly abnormal culture. This film strikes the chord of even deeper anxiety, moving through a dreamscape of distorted mirrors, fluctuating boundaries, and uncertain identity. A man fractured in narcissistic multiplications, a woman overtaken by sorrow and grief, are lost both to themselves and to each other. Yet there is a beauty to their shared ordeal, a nature pulsing with possibilities as near and intimate as they seem out of reach. It suggests the accord that comes with awareness, the passion that springs from despair. Director: Jose Luis Benavides Film: In the Corner of Every Room Synopsis: In the Corner of Every Room (3 min 7 sec, 2022) is a visual interpretation of Afro-Caribbean queer writer, Kashif Andrew Grahamâ??s poem, by the same name. Reciting their poem over a lilting score, images of the 1964 Race Riots in Rochester, New York unfold a shattered kaleidoscope of haunting imagery. Archival and other found footage refracts light into the interior landscape of Grahamâ??s detachments with histories of racial violence in the U.S.
GOQUEER: GoQueer - Juni 2024
In unserer neuesten Ausgabe stellen wir euch die ersten acht Filme des ARD Queer-Filmsommers 2024 vor. Bevor ihr euch die spannenden Filme in der ARD Mediathek oder im Fernsehen anseht, schaut euch unsere Reviews an. In über 40 Minuten geben wir gute Einblicke und teilen unsere persönlichen Eindrücke. Wir sprechen über die aufregenden Momente in Girls Girls Girls, die intensiven Szenen in Der Schwimmer und die kraftvollen Geschichten in Eine fantastische Frau und La belle saison - Eine Sommerliebe. Nicht zu vergessen die fesselnden Geschichten in Elefant, Tom of Finland, Mein erster Sommer und Blue Jean.