Replication & Collector

Thanks to this newfound competition with pirate radios, Radio Luxembourg had to do a quick wardrobe change. Out with the pre-recorded sponsored programs, in with a more flexible vibe. Picture Radio Luxembourg in a mid-life crisis, swapping its scripted lines for the thrill of the live, featuring spot advertising within record programs presented by disc jockeys who probably had a sea breeze in their hair. Some even sailed over from those rebellious offshore stations. It was like a radio soap opera where Luxembourg tried to keep up with the cool kids on the high seas, and let's just say, hilarity ensued. Oh, the radio drama of it all! Find out more at!

The new drug Dostarlimab guides the body's immune system to recognise the cancer cells as harmful and kill them. Patients who followed the six months of treatment showed a complete clinical response with no evidence of tumours during follow-up exams.

The complex computer model, DestinE(arth), takes into account weather and climate systems as well as our impact on the planet and will be used to help Europe respond to natural disasters more effectively, adapt to climate change, and assess the potential socioeconomic and policy impacts of such events.

Closely following the planet-friendly diet of mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains is not only a much better future option for our planet but can also reduce the risk of premature death by one-third in people.

Voter turnout at the European Elections was the highest in 20 years. Provisional EU data shows that 51 percent of eligible voters participated. Get all the details on today's "What's right with the world". Photo: European Parliament

On continu avec l'histoire de Radio Luxembourg quoi! After World War II, when the Allied forces left Radio Luxembourg, the English-language service tried to kickstart transmissions as a full-time commercial radio station targeting the UK. They aimed to use the European long-wave band, with Stephen Williams back in the driver's seat. Find out more at!

This week, residents and citizens of 27 countries vote over 700 politicians to work together in one single parliament. You wonder how this is possible? On today's episode of Power Points, we discuss how voting the European Parliament works. Photo: European Parliament

Don't know yet who to vote for this Sunday? On today's episode of Power Points, we outline the agenda of Luxembourg's political parties for the European Parliament election. Photo: © European Union 2024

Don't know yet who to vote for this Sunday? On today's episode of Power Points, we outline the agenda of Luxembourg's political parties for the European Parliament election. Photo: © European Union 2024

Guinness World Record Holder, Luigi Cani has executed a groundbreaking eco-activism stunt by skydiving over the Amazon rainforest and releasing 100 million native seeds that should cover around 120 km2 of deforested land.